International Vascular Education Research Consortium (IVERC) is an educational organization addressed to enhance venous-lymphatic practice around the world by means of top quality online and in person teaching. Venous Insufficiency Private Practical (VIPP) project is addressed to health professionals interested in intense hands-on experience in venous & lymphatic disease management.
VIPP national delegates are selected among global top experts, following a selection based on the below reported parameters.
If interested in applying for becoming a VIPP national delegate please write to
(teaching in his/her own location):
minimum 5 points required
(teaching in his/her own location & recruitable for international IVERC courses abroad):
minimum 11 points required
[All delegates applicants will need to provide valid medical license to practice medicine and/or surgery in the region or country of practice at the time of application (subject to verification)]
2 Letter of recommendation
from physicians familiar with the applicant’s work
should be submitted at the same time
(based on Google scholar)
H-Index < 5 = 0
H-Index 6-10 = 1
H-Index 11-15 = 2
H-index ≥ 16 = 3
SCI publication
(served either as the 1st and/or, the senior and/or, the corresponding author) in the unique expertise discipline in the past 10 years (subject to Pubmed search)
1-5 SCI publication = 1
6-10 SCI publications = 2
> 11 SCI publications = 3
Academic affiliation
at university/college (current or within the last 5 years; subject to verification)
Lecturer/assistant professor level = 1
Associate professor/researcher level = 2
Full professor/researcher level = 3
Meeting experience
(within the past 3 years)
Served either as the chair and/or, moderator and/or, speaker of
1 regional and/or international meetings (subject to verification) = 1
Served either as the chair and/or, moderator and/or,
speaker of 2 regional and/or international meetings (subject to verification) = 2
Delegate experience
(within the past 3 years)
Have participated as a protector in live case demonstration(s) on deep venous intervention, superficial venous intervention, wound care, and/or compression therapy in 1-3 meetings (subject to verification) = 1
Have participated as a protector in live case demonstration(s) on deep venous intervention, superficial venous intervention, wound care, and/or compression therapy in ≥4 meetings (subject to verification) = 2